February 24

Easy to Pack High-Energy Snacks


Easy to Pack High-Energy Snacks

When you need a boost on the go, you want something that is portable, healthy and great tasting. The American Dietetic Association explains that snacking between meals throughout your day keeps you from suffering the energy highs and lows which accompany the traditional breakfast – lunch – dinner meal plan.

Snacking also keeps your metabolism revved up, meaning you are burning fat and calories more efficiently. Keep the easy to pack high-energy snacks listed below handy, and you will stay energized all day long without the accompanying crash that comes from sugar-filled and carbohydrate-rich energy drinks and treats.

high energy snacks Here are a few snacks that are easy to pack and transport to keep you satisfied and help your energy levels!

Hard-boiled eggs

Refrigerated eggs last for about a week if they are kept in their shells after boiling. You can cook a dozen eggs at the beginning of the week and keep them on hand for a quick energy boost. They are extremely high in what scientists call HBV protein (high biological value). This type of protein is excellent for an energy punch. Eggs also deliver all of the B vitamins, both vitamin A and D, as well as healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk available in half pint servings made for on-the-shelf storage is an excellent protein source, also delivering the benefits of dairy. Just make sure to choose a low-sugar variety.

Go nuts!

Walnuts, pistachios, almonds and other varieties of nuts provide a very densely packed protein pop. Just 1 ounce delivers a full 9 grams of protein. Aside from being extremely portable, they also deliver an excellent shelf life. Stick to the low-salt and no-salt options if you can.

Celery with peanut or nut butter

Nut butter made from cashews, walnuts or almonds is excellent for a healthy energy kick. And celery makes the perfect peanut or not butter vehicle with its natural U-shaped groove. Celery also provides the added benefits of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and at least a dozen other wonderful nutrients and vitamins.

Fresh apples and bananas

Delivering antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamin C and an excellent energy boost, bananas and apples also require no refrigeration. You can pop them in your purse, briefcase or office desk drawer for a fresh, healthy and tasty vitality boost that is also low in calories.


Hummus provides both “good carbs” and dietary fiber. But it is also loaded full of vitamins and nutrients that give you the proper type of energy. Available in a wide variety of flavors, you can always jazz up your hummus with diced vegetables or red peppers to make even a healthier vitality booster.

If you plan in advance and eat some of these high energy snacks I have listed I can promise you that you will begin to see improvements in all areas of your health and not just your energy levels.

In health,

Coach Dave


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