December 17

Fat Loss Law #3


I know yesterday’s post may not have had the sizzle you were looking for when it comes to accelerating your fat loss and your weight- loss journey but it really can make a difference. Especially if you plan on being active for a long time and preventing yourself from getting injured. Also, if you have not already set your SMART goals, like we talked about in Fat Loss Law #1. Go back and read that post and set your goals.

Alright, so now let’s present fat loss law #3 to you.

Fat Loss Law #3 “You Need To Get Enough Sleep If You Ever Want To See Your Abs”

There’s a saying: lean bodies are built in the gym and kitchen.  And although you need to follow a proper nutrition and exercise regimen… if you don’t allow your body to recover, you’re going to set your results back up to 50%.

Fat Loss Law 3So what is it about sleep and recovery that makes it important to fat loss?

Well, anytime we undergo any type of stress like working out, pulling an all nighter or helping a friend move heavy furniture; the insides of our bodies end up looking like a Walmart after a black Friday sale (cellularly speaking)!

It’s only during our sleep cycles that our cells are able to clean up the mess, rebalance our hormones, sweep up our digestion system and build new cells (like skin, hair, nails and muscles).

When we don’t give our bodies enough time to recover and repair, we actually end up with greater stress hormone levels (cortisone) and inflammation – causing diseases, weight gain and extremely low energy levels.

Hormonal imbalance and inflammation are the root of all illnesses such as cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease… Scary stuff to look forward to if you neglect your health.

I used to give a stress management lecture and one question I would always ask the group to raise their hands and keep them raised as I called out how many hours of sleep they typically get a night. I would start with 4 hours and everyones hand stayed raised. Then I would say 5 and still pretty much everyone had their hand raised. But when I called out 6 hours a night half the room lowered their hand. By the time I got to 8 most everyone lowered their hand and maybe one or two people still had their hand raised. It was really said to see but it goes pretty much with what is happening in our society today. We are sleep deprived and in my opinion a good reason for most of our problems can be traced back to lack of sleep.

Getting more sleep is the simplest way to not only improve your health but also contribute to a shrinking waist size! If you want to change start by getting more sleep!

In the next post you will learn the law that is 90% of the battle.

In health,

Coach Dave

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