April 29

5 Things that you can do to Speed Up your Results


Let me ask you this question, “how many times have you started an exercise or diet program and did not see results?” For some of you, results came quickly, but if you are one of many who are having trouble seeing results then today’s lesson is going to help. I am going to outline 5 things you need to do to start seeing results quicker.

11360674_blogThe 5 things that you need to start doing today to speed up your results are as follows:

Focus on Nutrition

By far the single most important component to losing weight is to focus on your nutrition. Now, contrary to what you might believe this does not mean to start starving yourself and stop eating all together. Actually, quite the opposite, your body needs food as fuel and your muscles need that fuel to develop.

For some of you this is going to be difficult and for others you will have no problem, but you need to start eating every three to four hours throughout the day. I am not talking about full blown meals at each sitting but what I am suggesting is you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then in between those meals you eat a snack. Try and space it out so that you go no longer than 3-4 hours without having consumed food. This will help keep insulin levels in check and help speed up your metabolism.

Resistance Training

Now, right after nutrition comes resistance training. If you are looking to lose weight and drop body fat then you need to focus in on your resistance training. Most people always believe that cardio is the best way to lose weight, but I am here to tell you that resistance training is a far better approach to dropping weight fast.

How do I know this? Well, studies have proven it, but I like to use a real world example. Several years ago my wife wanted to lose weight because the same old cardio routine was not getting it done. I suggested a resistance training routine for her to do each week. Now, you would have thought I told her to jump off a cliff when I first told her this by her reaction. However, after finally agreeing to my suggestion of working strictly on a resistance-training program, she saw some amazing results. Her body fat dropped 3 % in the first six weeks and she lost a dress size. After six months she had lost almost 6% in body fat and three sizes. From there she was sold.

Cardio and Heart Rate Training

For the next week I want you to find 3 separate times you can do 15 minutes of cardio. It could be one day you do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night with one more day in the week of 15 minutes. Or, you can space it out and do it 3 x during the week. The key here is to get a total of 45 minutes of cardio with the resistance-training program in this coming week.

Now, once you determine the days I want you to spend the majority of the time working out in the range of 6-7 out of a scale of 10 on the Rating of Perceived Exertion scale. This might mean a faster walking pace or if on a treadmill add some incline.

Just make sure you get your heart rate going for a good portion of the fifteen minutes. Remember, if at any time you feel you need to slow down stop and rest.

Find a support group

In my experience people who have a support group lose weight quicker and maintain that lost weight longer. We have set up the Fit Over 40 fan page on FaceBook as one means of social support.

Other options can be your spouse or child depending on the kid’s age. The key is to find someone you can share your goals, concerns, and feelings with. If you can get someone to participate in the journey with you that is even better.

Reduce Stress

Most people do not realize that stress can actually cause you to gain weight. Cortisol, which is an important hormone in the body can be a culprit in increasing body fat. Cortisol, which is also labeled as the “Stress Hormone” is important part of maintaining proper Insulin release and maintaining proper glucose metabolism.

So, when the body experiences chronic stress, Cortisol is released in higher and prolonged levels that cause the following:

• Blood sugar imbalance (Hyperglycemia)
• Decrease muscle tissue
• Lower immunity

I capitalized and bolded increased abdominal fat because I want to make the point that too much stress in your life is going to prevent you from losing weight. I know sometimes with everything going on it is hard to relax but if you want to see the weight come off easier find ways to reduce stress in your life.

If you can make the above 5 tips a priority for the next 30 days I can guarantee you that results will start to happen faster!

In health,

Coach Dave


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