November 10

The Best Interval Training Workout to Lose Weight


Orange Theory Fitness has the best Interval Training Workouts

Over the last year I have been researching and studying ways to make sure that as I start my journey into my 40’s I find the right nutrition and exercise workouts that are going to get me the best results. I have done just about every type of workout and training that is out in the marketplace and I have finally found one that is the best exercise workout to get results. This short video introduces you to the Orange Theory Concept!

So after taking this workout a few times I was hooked and I loved it so much that I decided to become a certified coach and trainer. I know that makes me a little biased but I have never felt this way about a workout then I do about this one and here is why!

What makes Orange Theory Fitness the Best Interval Workout

First of all a lot of science and research has been put into each and every Orange Theory Fitness Workout. The workout is based on a 5 zone heart rate based interval training approach. The goal of each workout is to experience all 5 heart rate zones but also get you to spend 25 to 35 minutes in the fat burning/carb burring zone along with 12- 20 minutes in the upper zones, which contributes to epoc. Epoc stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, which essentially contributes to caloric burning at a higher rate 24-36 hours after the workout is completed. This is the single biggest reason why this type of workout is so beneficial to getting optimal weight loss results but there is still more.

The second reason I find the OTF workouts the best is the community that you get surround by. There are all different levels of participants in the class and each and everyone of them brings energy to the class. Plus, as you start to develop relationships and friendships then it adds a level of accountability because people will start to ask where have you been and are you sticking to your healthy habits. This is not unique as most other bootcamps and group exercise classes offer this kind of community but having this part of the workouts is essential for success.

A third reason I believe Orange Theory Fitness workouts are the best interval workouts is because of the combination of utilizing the treadmills, seated rowers and the weight training. As I already mentioned the workouts are designed to have you maintain your heart rate in all 5 zones but they also incorporate different workout modalities such as strength, power and endurance. This is exactly how athletes train and it is important for everyone to train this way if they want to gain lean mass and lose weight. One other aspect that the workouts have is the variety. Everyday a new workout is presented so in “theory” you could do an OTF workout everyday of the week. I don’t recommend it but you could!

Finally, the last component that I feel that makes Orange Theory Fitness the best interval training workout is the competition that is created amongst current participants and even classes. Earlier I mentioned the science behind OTF and because each participant wears a heart rate monitor everyones caloric burn and even the classes total burn is tracked which leads to some fun competition amongsts those in the class and even from class to class. Another really cool competition part to OTF classes are some of the programing. For instance they do a “Dri Tri” and even a “Hell Week” program. When you enter one of these speciality programs and if you win you are rewarded with prizes. This is a great way for members to have fun and be competitive at the same time.

I know I may be a little biased but I am telling you I have not seen a structured program like this that can get you the results you are wanting. Sure there are other interval training workouts out there but the Orange Theory Fitness workout is the best interval training workout in the market right now!

See what some of the members of the Orange Theory Fitness Plano, TX location have to say about it!

In health,

Dave McGarry


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